Elul Day 14 - י"ד באלול

Dear Elul Writers,

Every now and then I come across a poem during the year and know instantly that it will find its way into Elul. That is how I felt about this poem from a cycle entitled Five Psalms by Mark Jarman. In the second psalm, he writes:

First forgive the silence
    That answers prayer,
Then forgive the prayer
    That stains the silence.

Excuse the absence
    That feels like presence,
Then excuse the feeling
    That insists on presence.

Pardon the delay
    Of revelation,
Then ask pardon for revealing
    Your impatience.

Forgive God
    For being only a word,
Then ask God to forgive
    The betrayal of language.

This poem fits in nicely with a motif in Chasidic teachings about the Days of Awe, acknowledging a reciprocal forgiveness that happens between people and the Holy One of Blessing. You forgive us and we forgive you. It is possible to see such a tit for tat pardoning as too transactional, but, to me, it feels deeply relational. Forgiving each other our mistakes and hurts, is how we maintain an abiding and loving relationship.


As we approach the midway point in our month together, I encourage you to consider the mutual forgiving that might be necessary in your life. If you are journaling, consider creating two lists, side-by-side. What from the past year might you be willing to excuse? What are you seeking forgiveness for? What lines of connection exist between that which you are willing to forgive and that for which you are seeking atonement?




Elul Day 15 - ט"ו באלול


Elul Day 13 - י"ג באלול